Planning & Highways (P&H) 5th April 2022

To receive and consider for acceptance, apologies for absence

Declarations of Interest. 
To declare any interests relating to the business of the meeting and receive any dispensation requests from the Clerk.

To receive the minutes of the previous meeting of the Planning & Highways Committee.

Officer Report to the Committee.
To receive reports pertaining to the Planning & Highways Committee

Planning Applications.
To consider responses to planning applications to include but not be limited to: 5 Kingsman Lane, 25 Coppice Street, Wincombe Lane, 19 Greenacre Way, Browns Cottage Sally Kings Lane, Mampitts Farm Mampitts Lane, Tesco Stores Christy’s Lane, Old School House Church Hill, land at Indus Road and Mampitts Road,

Niveus Walk – Street Name Suggestions. 
To make recommendations for the street names for new development at Land At E 387256 N 123908 Wincombe Lane

Melbury Abbas and Cann Neighbourhood Plan  ‘Reg-14’ Local Consultation.
To consider responding to the Melbury Abbas and Cann Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

Affordable Housing Numbers for Shaftesbury.
To consider next steps regarding the appointment of a Planning Consultant to advise on Affordable housing allocation for Shaftesbury

Land at Lower Blandford Road – Ecology Survey.
To consider carrying out an Ecology Survey for land at Lower Blandford Road

Fields in Trust, Cycleways and S106 funds.
To consider the next steps for Fields in Trust and to receive and note an update on Cycleway and S106 funding in Shaftesbury