Planning and Highways (P&H)

The Planning and Highways Committee is mindful of the historic nature of the town and the natural beauty of its surroundings. It seeks to preserve the heritage that has been entrusted to the people of Shaftesbury for the benefit of future generations. It gives careful consideration to all planning applications received in consultation with local planning and government guidance so that it might give a well informed and considered opinion to the Planning Authority.

For all planning applications please visit Dorset Council’s Planning website here. 

For all road closure information please visit Dorset Council’s traffic information web page here.

Terms of References for all committees are contained within the Scheme of Delegation which can be found on the Policies and Documents page.

Meetings of the Planning and Highways Committee take place in the Council Chamber, The Town Hall Shaftesbury, commencing at 7 pm unless otherwise stated.

Committee Members:
Chair: Cllr Andy Hollingshead
Vice-Chair: Cllr Virginia Edwyn-Jones
Cllrs John Lewer, Jeanne Loader, Philip Proctor, Lorah Wild and Peter Yeo

Agendas and Minutes
Click on the dates below for Agendas and Minutes relating to that meeting.
Please note that the minutes will be approved at the the next consecutive meeting.

Future Meetings

Past Meetings