Planning and Highways (P&H) 27th April 2021


Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Loader and Welch due to personal reasons.
Councillor Yeo requested recorded votes for all decisions taken during the meeting.

Declarations of Interest and Dispensations
All members were invited to declare any interests throughout the meeting if the need arose.
Councillor Yeo asked that it be recorded that although not a member of the committee, he lives on Mampitts Lane
Councillor Hollingshead declared a personal interest in item 7, 20mph speed limit as a resident of Bell Street
Councillor Proctor declared a personal interest in item 7, 20mph speed limit as a resident of Parsons Pool
The Clerk declared that she lived near to the location of the bus gate but takes no part in the decision making or preparation of the report other than to provide the information given by Dorset Council.

It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16th March 2021 and the minutes were authorised for signing.

Officer Reports
Officer report 0421PH4 was received and noted, and it was requested that a future meeting discussed;
Gold Hill
Christy’s Lane
Mampitts Bus Gate Consultation
Officer report 0421PH5 was received and noted, and it was PROPOSED and RESOLVED to strongly object, implementation to be postponed on the gate until such time as the spine road is completed to Wincombe Lane and a future bypass. Reasons of safety and environment.

Planning Applications
Officer report 0421PH6 was received and it was RESOLVED to submit the following comments:

Proposal: Erection of two-storey rear extension and side single story kitchen extension
Location: 9 Gower Road, Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7 8RU
No objection

Proposal: Convert and extend existing outbuilding to form 1 No. dwelling. Create new vehicular access and 2 No. parking spaces.
Location: Bimport House, 15 Bimport, Shaftesbury, SP7 8AT
Objection due to overcrowding and poor access. This proposal is contrary to Shaftesbury Neighbourhood Plan Policy SFDH9.

Proposal: Provide pitch roofs to flat roofed dormer windows
Location: 11 Yeatmans Close, Shaftesbury, Dorset,  SP7 8LU
No objection

Proposal: Taking down & rebuilding of a gable end of a detached stone outbuilding following impact damage
Location: New Lane Farmhouse, Salisbury Road, Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7 8BX
No objection

Proposal: Erection of 1no. dwelling with associated gardens, parking and turning, to include the widening and realigning of an existing vehicular access
Location: 7 Love Lane, Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7 8BG
Objection due to overcrowding and poor access. This proposal is contrary to Shaftesbury Neighbourhood Plan Policy SFDH9.

Proposal: Alterations & conversion of existing barn into 1no. self contained dwelling, with associated works to parking and garden
Location: 7 Love Lane, Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7 8BG
Objection due to overcrowding and poor access. This proposal is contrary to Shaftesbury Neighbourhood Plan Policy SFDH9.

20 mph Speed Limit Extension
Officer report 0421PH7 was received, two separate motions were proposed but neither received a seconder therefore the motions fell.

B3091 St James Weight Restriction Update
Officer report 0421PH8 was received and noted.

Planning and Highways Terms of Reference

Officer report 0421PH9 was received and it was resolved to recommend to Full Council

Yellow Lines on St James Street
Officer report 0421PH10 was received and it was RESOLVED allocate the required funds to cover the cost to remark the yellow lines from the Grounds Repairs and Maintenance budget with the understanding that there may be a further request to overspend due to this unexpected expenditure.

There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 9.02 pm.

These minutes were adopted on 17th August 2021 under minute reference P03 as a true record of the decisions taken and are duly signed below by the Chair of that meeting.