Full Council 18th April 2023

  1. Apologies – To receive and consider for acceptance
  2. To receive any Declarations of Interests and Requests for Dispensation
  3. Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 21st March 2023
  4. To receive a report for information to Full Council
  5. Clerk’s Report including correspondence and progress report on Full Council business
  6. To receive and note minutes of and/or to determine recommendations by committees
  7. To approve payments and receive financial reports
  8. To consider a funding request from the Tourist and Community iCentre/ Morrisons daily
  9. To receive and note informal meeting notes and/or to determine recommendations by Working Groups

9.1 Sustainable Shaftesbury

9.1.1 To approve the Environmental Policy and Biodiversity Checklist

9.2 King’s Coronation

9.3 High Street Working Group

  1. To consider the costs associated with the Wincombe Recreation Ground Play Masterplan
  2. To consider the costs associated with developing the Jubilee Steps design plans
  3. To consider costs associated with the renovation of the Shelter on Park Walk
  4. To receive an update on the Town Hall repairs and maintenance works phase 2
  5. To consider the Strategic Plan review linked to the Local Council Award Scheme submission to NALC
  6. To consider a Member’s Motion – Armed Forces Covenant
  7. To review skatepark quotes for painting and preliminary repairs
  8. Confidential session

17.1 Dorset Council Payroll services