Full Council (FC)


No apologies were received.

Declarations of Interest
All members were invited to declare any interests throughout the meeting if the need arose. Councillor Cook declared an interest in item 9 as a member of the Planning Committee for Dorset Council.
It was noted that Councillor Edwyn-Jones was the chair of the Shaftesbury Chamber of Commerce.

Minutes from the Full Council meeting held on Tuesday 20th April 2021 were received and noted. (Formal adoption of these minutes to be resolved on 10th July 2021)
Minutes from the Full Council meeting held on Tuesday 5th May 2021 were deferred pending preparation.
Councillor Yeo requested that all individual voting be recorded in the Minutes.

Officer report 0521FC04 was received and noted, the following verbal reports were also received;
Dorset Councillor Cook – New protocol and framework for planning, including s106 allocations of funding and land was discussed and agreed by cabinet.
Councillor Tippins – Dorset Cabinet have allocated a considerable amount to Climate Change.
Councillor Brown – Face to face engagement was carried out on the High Street regarding the Pedestrianisation Scheme and positive comments were received.
Councillor Chase – Attended a briefing with Dorset Council regarding the new parking charges and is confident that the numbers being discussed will not cause too much of an issue for residents in Shaftesbury.
Councillor Hollingshead – Was delighted to be able to open the new community fridge at Fathers House and encourages all to support the scheme.

Member Allowances and Expenses and Attendance
Officer report 0521FC05 was received and noted.

Officer report 0521FC07 was received and it was recommended that the Council approves the payments from the Town Council’s current account and notes the resulting bank balance of £310,810.14.

Annual Subscriptions
Officer report 0521FC08 was received and it was recommended that the subscriptions were agreed and;
to add annual subscriptions to the Clerk’s scheme of delegation
(Delegated to the Town Clerk to manage under the temporary scheme of delegation resolved by Shaftesbury Town Council on 20th April 2021.)

Town Crier
Officer report 0521FC09 was received and it was recommended that the Council retains the services of Town Crier for 2021/22 and increasing the fee to £350 and to add retention of the Town Crier to the Clerk’s scheme of delegation
(Delegated to the Town Clerk to manage under the temporary scheme of delegation resolved by Shaftesbury Town Council on 20th April 2021.)

Bank Signatories
Officer report 0521FC10 was received and it was recommended that the bank signatories and reconciliation rota are considered and recommended to Full Council for the remainder of the election term. This decision will be reported to the next formally convened (in person) meeting of the Council for ratifying.

Members Motion – Pedestrianisation
Officer report 0521FC11 was received and the following was recommended;
1. Shaftesbury Town Council supports the permanent pedestrianisation of the High Street.

2. Shaftesbury Town Council allocate a budget of £10,000 from the General Reserve to fund the traffic regulation order and other costs related to the high street if Dorset council is not willing to fund the traffic regulation order or other related costs themselves.

3. Shaftesbury Town Council suggestion to Dorset Council that the traffic regulation order includes the following:
a. 10am to 4pm
b. 7 days a week
c. Exception for deliveries
d. The 6 temporary disabled parking bays are retained

4. Shaftesbury Town Council asks Dorset Council to work in partnership on this project along with all the 3rd parties that currently make up the membership of the temporary pedestrianisation partnership group.

5. At the appropriate time Shaftesbury Town Council works with and supports Dorset Council applications for grants that you could be used to meet the costs of signage and carriageway adjustments if required.

6. Shaftesbury Town Council delegates the management of this project in partnership with Dorset Council to the Town Clerk in consultation with the lead member for Economic Development, Piers Brown with updates to P&H at appropriate points

The following amendment to this motion was proposed and seconded;
The £10,000 is used to conduct a traffic survey based on the 2004 survey which is one way with Herringbone parking, prior to formalising and agreeing putting forward a TRO though to Dorset Council. This will address the concerns of disabled drivers, residents who live on the High Street, delivery drivers. It will reduce the speed so the High Street is not used as a rat run and it will also look into the controlling increase of traffic of the neighbouring roads.

The following amendment was proposed and seconded;
For the motion as outlined in the agenda papers to include at 3e;
That the TRO is informed by a comprehensive traffic management plan for the area bounded by The Commons, Bleke Street, Barton Hill and the roads immediately off.
Proposed by Cllr Hollingshead
Seconded by Cllr Chase
In Favour 4 Cllrs Chase, Hollingshead, Yeo, Edwyn-Jones,
Against 3 Cllrs Brown, Hall, Proctor
Abstentions 4 Cllrs Cook, Loader, Lewer, Tippins

The following amendment to this motion was proposed by Cllr Yeo, that the Council does nothing before a parish poll was carried out. This amendment was rejected as substantially changing the original motion

Substantive Motion
The substantive (final) motion proposed and recommended was;

1. Shaftesbury Town Council supports the permanent pedestrianisation of the High Street.

2. Shaftesbury Town Council allocate a budget of £10,000 from the General Reserve to fund the traffic regulation order and other costs related to the high street if Dorset council is not willing to fund the traffic regulation order or other related costs themselves.

3. Shaftesbury Town Council suggests to Dorset Council that the traffic regulation order includes the following:
a. 10am to 4pm
b. 7 days a week
c. Exception for deliveries
d. The 6 temporary disabled parking bays are retained
e. That the TRO is informed by a comprehensive traffic management plan for the area bounded by The Commons, Bleke Street, Barton Hill and the roads immediately off.

4. Shaftesbury Town Council asks Dorset Council to work in partnership on this project along with all the 3rd parties that currently make up the membership of the temporary pedestrianisation partnership group.

5. At the appropriate time Shaftesbury Town Council works with and supports Dorset Council applications for grants that you could be used to meet the costs of signage and carriageway adjustments if required.
6. Shaftesbury Town Council delegates the management of this project in partnership with Dorset Council to the Town Clerk in consultation with the lead member for Economic Development, Piers Brown with updates to P&H at appropriate points.

Planning Applications
Officer report 0521FC12 was received and it was AGREED to submit the following comments under the Scheme of Delegation;
Proposal: Erection of single storey rear extension
Location:14 Springfield Close, Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7 8RH
No objection

There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 8:48 pm

These minutes were adopted on 27th July 2012 under minute reference F03b as a true record of the decisions taken and are duly signed below by the chair of that meeting.